PLAN B (MCPS Code Yellow) Wednesday & Thursday


Montgomery County Schools decided to open late on Wednesday and Thursday, therefore the GISW is running on Plan B.

- Classes start at 9:55 am.
- Morning buses pick up students later and follow the Plan B bus schedule.
- Afternoon Program and Extended Care take place as scheduled.
- All afternoon and evening events take place as scheduled.



Nachdem Montgomery County für Mittwoch und Donnerstag einen verspäteten Unterrichtsbeginn beschlossen hat gilt an der GISW Plan B.

- Der Unterricht beginnt um 9:55 Uhr.
- Die Schulbusse fahren morgens später und folgen dem Plan B Buszeitplan.
- Das Nachmittagsprogramm und die Spätbetreuung finden statt.
- Alle Nachmittags- und Abendveranstaltungen finden statt.

February 12, 2018: Carnival at the E.S.

The Elementary School at the German International School Washington D.C. celebrates Carnival (Fasching)

On Monday, February 12, 2018, we will celebrate Carnival (Fasching) with our Elementary School students. All children from the School Entry Level through 4th Grade will change into their costume after the 2nd period.

We look forward to many original and interesting costumes.  However, we would like to urge you to keep all costume accessories that are not essential to the costume at home. In particular we are referring to weapons, swords, and masks.

A musical parade through the main school will lead us to the gym. At 10:30 a.m. we will enjoy the shows „The Three Little Pigs“ and „The Three Billy Goats Gruff“ by KayDee Puppets.

 After lunch all students will change back into their regular clothes.

 All that is left to say is „Alaaf“ or „Helau“!

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