Regular Schedule


Der Unterricht findet heute für alle entsprechend dem regulären Stundenplan statt.


All classes follow their regular schedules.


June 2018: Language Treasure

Dear Parents,


As our Language Treasure of the month, I would like to recommend the children’s show “Willi will‘s wissen“. It is an entertaining show for Elementary School children with Willi Weitzel. The topics range from “How do I become an astronaut?” to “ Where does our trash go?”.


The show „Willi will‘s wissen“ runs on German television stations and we have several of the videos in our Elementary School library. You can also purchase these videos on


Unfortunately, it seems like there is no website where the videos are viewable for free, but you can find excerpts on YouTube. Some of them are on visiting other countries. Here is a link to the film about India


These shows are perfect for students with German as a second or other language. The moderator speaks slowly and clearly and the topics evoke an interest in scientific topics.




Jasmin Kapustin

With questions please contact Ms. Jasmin Kapustin at


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