Pollinator Garden Update

The warm temperatures and plentiful rain throughout the months of July and August have resulted in much growth in the new pollinator garden that our students planted last spring in front of the elementary school.  In just a short period of time, the garden has become home for a variety of pollinator insects and birds and serves as a sanctuary for all those who visit this natural space.

Many thanks to the Albrecht, Dabrowska-Radtke, Hebous and Schuh/Kutzschbauch families who helped to keep our school’s pollinator garden free of weeds during the summer vacation while our students were away.   We are currently raising funds to purchase additional native plants to further enhance this green space as part of our school’s 60th Legacy Campaign.  We are also looking for 4-5 parent volunteers who would like to help with the garden on the 20th of September and the 18th of October.  If you are interested, please contact Mandy Sahm via email at: msahm@giswashington.org.

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