Regular Schedule


Der Unterricht findet heute für alle entsprechend dem regulären Stundenplan statt.


All classes follow their regular schedules.


Start of the Science Program in the Elementary School – The ‟Children’s University”

The GISW held its fifteenth annual ‟Children’s University” to start off the science program in the Elementary School. More than 40 fourth graders came to the Science Building of the Upper School to be introduced to the subject of Natural Sciences. Dr. Müller showed them how to heat a sausage in a really unusual way and what happens to a marshmallow without air. Ms. Fricke performed magic producing remarkable colors with certain chemicals and produced ‟tooth paste for elefants“. Dr. Ellenrieder introduced the students to Georgie, the school Gecko; and they learned what biology is about. Following this introduction students were eager to perform their own experiments. Safety goggles and lab coats were obligatory and also cool. We all agreed: "This makes learning fun!"

by Andrea Pence and Steffi Colopy

Dr. Müller produces a giant brown and white marshmallow.

Dr. Ellenrieder answers questions about Georgie.

Ms. Colopy makes sure students use chemicals correctly.

Jana H. and Constantin S. are following instructions.

Eleni B is making sure her measurement is correct.

Arthur H. and Aaron E. are concentrating on their experiment.

Sebastian D. und Chase H. observe and experiment.

Martin A. and Albert P. work as a team.

Marieke H. und Eleni B. agree: That was really fun.


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