Regular Schedule


Der Unterricht findet heute für alle entsprechend dem regulären Stundenplan statt.


All classes follow their regular schedules.


Steering Committee Meeting on February 27, 2018

The Steering Committee meeting on February 27, 2018 started off with the announcement that the report of the Bilanzbesuch has been received from Germany and that Dr. Guido Mueller has presented it to the last Parent Council meeting and the last Board of Director’s meeting.  Triggered by the report, three new internal positions have been posted which will be responsible for the following topics: German as a foreign language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache  - DaF)/ German as a Second Language (Deutsch als Zweitsprache - DaZ), Concept for methods of Teaching (Methodenkonzept), and the daily Förder (coach) and Forder (challenge)instruction.

Next, the board member Ms. Karen Dietrich presented the new Strategy Plan that has recently been adopted by the Board of Directors.  Several of the subtopics are marked to be assigned to the Steering Committee.

In the following agenda point, the group agrees to initiate two new project groups:  Class trips and the Development of a communications guide for parents, students, and teachers.

After a few regulatory measures of the Steering Committee are discussed, Pia Rashid and Sonya Velasco report on their progress regarding their project group which is in charge of the school-wide survey 2018.

The last topic of the meeting is the 2016 survey results regarding “Communication between Teachers and Parents” as well as the topic of “Career and College Counseling”. A result of the feedback collected in the survey is the initiation of the group “Development of a Communications Guide for Parents, Students, and Teachers “.  Career and German College counselor, Ms. Doris Fricke and the Counselor of the Upper School Ms. Klara Fabina are in charge of this topic and several developments in this area are pointed out.

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