PLAN B (MCPS Code Yellow) Wednesday & Thursday


Montgomery County Schools decided to open late on Wednesday and Thursday, therefore the GISW is running on Plan B.

- Classes start at 9:55 am.
- Morning buses pick up students later and follow the Plan B bus schedule.
- Afternoon Program and Extended Care take place as scheduled.
- All afternoon and evening events take place as scheduled.



Nachdem Montgomery County für Mittwoch und Donnerstag einen verspäteten Unterrichtsbeginn beschlossen hat gilt an der GISW Plan B.

- Der Unterricht beginnt um 9:55 Uhr.
- Die Schulbusse fahren morgens später und folgen dem Plan B Buszeitplan.
- Das Nachmittagsprogramm und die Spätbetreuung finden statt.
- Alle Nachmittags- und Abendveranstaltungen finden statt.

Steering Committee Meeting on January 23, 2018

The Steering Committee meeting on January 23, 2018 started off with short reports by each member to describe how the different topics of school development are addresses in the group that  they represent.  Then, Monika Rodrigues who is leading the project group “Strengthening the School identity” described several projects that are being addressed in that project group.  Currently, the the most important topics in this group are the development of the new Guiding Principles, new developments in the book store (Design of the display windows and expansion of GISW merchandise offerings) and in the cafeteria (Internationalisation of the menu and a renovation of the lunch room. The Communications Director Beate Mahious conveys on the topic of school identity that the new agenda books for 2018/19 will include the GISW logo, the mission statement, and a photo of the school mascot, the griffin. Ms. Scholl recounts the story of how the griffin came to be our school mascot and we conclude that the group decides that we will commission an illustration of the mascot that will then be used everywhere for a unified representation.

On the topic of regulatory measures the steering committee decides that all meetings are open to the public and that up to three observers can join after registering with the leader of this group. The observers are welcome to participate in discussions, however they are not eligible to vote. Registration of a voter has to be completed at least one week in advance of the meeting. All meetings through the end of this school year are posted on the website calendar.

Based on discussions with our process expert Torsten Steininger and with the Head of School, it has been decided that there will be an evaluation of our developmental focal points in form of a school-wide survey that is scheduled for the days from May 4 through 14th. It is agreed upon that the survey group will be initiated within the Steering Committee and that this group will plan and conduct the survey, and will communicate the evaluation of the  survey results to the school community before the end of this school year. This group is lead by Pia Rashid (Preschool) und Sonya Velasco (Parent Representative).

The Bund-Länder-Inspektion (BLI) 3.0 requires the submission oft he school program which among other topics includes school developmentgoals and its program.  The Head of School Ms. Palenzatis, the Elentary School Principal Ms. Monika Rodrigues and the Preschool Principal Ms. Mojdeh Khojasteh will start the process of preparing the school program. Other members of the school community such as parents, students and employees are welcome to join this project group in the future.

Zum Abschluss wird die Gründung einer Projektgruppe zum Thema Ausflüge und Fahrten besprochen. Verschiedene Lehrkräfte haben Ideen zu Programmen in denen den Schülerinnen und Schülern Gelegenheiten geboten werden sollen, Sprachen und Kulturen anderer Länder zu erleben.

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