In the Steering Committee Meeting on April 24, 2018, Ms. Caroline Klick gave a presentation regarding the „Media Concept“. In order to further the overall use of media such as SMART-Boards and Office 365, subject-specific Media-Curricula are being developed.
At the Elementary School, Ms. Monnett has been teaching a computer course for several years now that includes teaching typing with all ten fingers. As a continuation of that it is in the planning that one of the FuF courses starting in fifth grade will be a computer course where students learn how to use Word, how to organize files and how to create PowerPoint presentations. There is a plan to offer training modules for faculty members on different functions of Office 365.
New project groups have been initiated and coordinators have been found:
Ms. Rashid and Ms. Velasco gave a brief report regarding the school-wide survey that is running from May 4 through May 14. The groups that are being surveyed are students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff.