Regular Schedule


Der Unterricht findet heute für alle entsprechend dem regulären Stundenplan statt.


All classes follow their regular schedules.


STEM: Pet Sitters wanted

A heartfelt Thank You goes out to all students who visit and care for our school animals and take them home during vacation.

This year, the multipurpose room in the science building is home to several small animals including a gecko that has been with us for over 12 years!

In class, these animals are used to illustrate biological concepts, but originally they were acquired for interesting behavioral projects for the "Students experiment" study group. This year, for example, students in grades 5 and 6 are exploring the questions, "Who is smarter: a gerbil or a fancy mouse?", "How does a mouse find its mouse hole?" and " Can mice be trained?" To do this, the children work in cross-grade teams to develop their own ideas for very animal-friendly experiments. This is hands-on science! At the same time, students learn what it means to take responsibility for a pet: feeding it, keeping it clean and interacting with it.

If you are curious now, feel free to stop by!

We are still looking for Pet Sitters for the summer break. Anyone who would like to take care of a pet for a while should sign up on the list hanging outside the multipurpose room or send a TEAMS message to Mrs. Colopy. Please ask your parents for permission first!

Thank you!

Mrs. Colopy

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