A special event for these special times!
The FRIENDS of the GISW are inviting all GISW students to participate in an Art Competition to create a message of joy in the festive spirit of our annual Christmas Market! Students are encouraged to submit their drawings by or before November 12th, 2020 at noon time. A panel of judges will select up to 10 pieces of works, as motives for Christmas and Greeting Cards, which will be printed by the FRIENDS and exhibited for sale on the FRIENDS' Christmas Market Website. All proceeds from the sales will be used by the FRIENDS to fund projects that will benefit our school and community, and the winners will have their art displayed for all to see and enjoy!
Participants: GISW Students from all Grades
Theme: Christmas and Season Greetings Cards
Submission: Actual drawing must be submitted at school in an envelope (no digital submission). Please write in light pencil the name of the student on the back of the drawing. Envelopes should be deposited in a marked box, located at the entrance of the upper school. Please include on the envelope name of the student, grade, age, email and telephone number.
Submission Deadline: from Monday, November 9 th at 8 h am until Thursday, November 12th at 12 pm (noon).