FastTrack Program

The FastTrack Program is a new language program for learning German that allows academically strong students up to Grade 5 with little or no German language skills to enroll at GISW. The program is primarily geared towards students who are interested in a bilingual or multilingual education and who, due to their other first language, have not yet mastered the German language to the extent that they can successfully participate in regular classes.

The goal is that students will be able to participate independently in regular German instruction as quickly as possible, or after two years at the latest. Students and their families receive individualized advice to enhance the learning outcome.

Parallel to the regular lessons

The FastTrack program takes place parallel to the regular lessons of German as a subject. In the other subjects on the weekly schedule, the students are in their regular class and can quickly make friends and become part of the class community.

FastTrack students are taught by a teacher who is specialized in teaching German to speakers of other languages, who also supports the children individually in other subjects and works closely with other teachers and with parents.

This document describes how we support all students from preschool through Grade 12 with German language learning: Overall Language Concept

German terminology in specific subject areas

For all students whether they are in the FastTrack program or not, there is a strong support system for learning terminology that is specific to a subject, such as sciences, history etc... Please learn more about DFU - German Specialized Teaching at the GISW.

Why German?

German scientists, thinkers and poets have long contributed to many of the world’s most impressive achievements. Germany is the strongest economy in the European Union and is at the forefront of technological innovation.

By attending a German School, students will not only learn German as a language but also internalize the German way of thinking with regards to problem solving, task completion and overcoming challenges.

No existing German Skills?

If knowledge of the German language is already present, then an initial language assessment is conducted for appropriate placement.

If your child doesn’t speak German yet, an evaluation will take place to assess an enrollment in the FastTrack program.

Q & A

Is the FastTrack program a good fit for my child?
Will my child be in class with native speakers?
How is the fact that my child is still learning German taken into consideration in grading?
How can parents help the learning process?