Independent. Bilingual. Weltoffen.
As the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany in the United States, I would like to welcome you to the German International School Washington D.C.
Andreas Michaelis
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
Ninth-graders who elected the NWP program solve real-world math problems together with international teams of scientists, students and experts from German and American institutions.
Makeathon projects bring young minds from different countries and cultures together to collaboratively innovate and problem-solve.
Mathematics (STEM).
In German, the comparable field is called MINT: Mathematics, Information Technologies (Computer Science), Natural Sciences, and Technology.
The carefully developed and
highly acclaimed bilingual, interdisciplinary curriculum provides students with an excellent foundation in languages and sciences.
Our graduates are regularly admitted to selective colleges and universities around the globe where higher education is often free or costs significantly less than in the US.
Bilingual German & English speakers are sought after by many employers in the US where the value of German contributions to industry, innovation, technology and science is highly recognized..
thoughts in another person’s native language can deepen a relationship tremendously. This type of personal connection can lead to very productive and long-lasting relationships on a personal and professional level.
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