Admissions Process

step1 Step One: Explore

Contact the school to request a digital information package or schedule your private campus tour. There are several methods you may choose to do this:

- By completing our information request form

- Signup for one of our Open Houses.

Cut-off date / Age requirements: Please note our cut-off dates for School Entry Level and Grade 1.

2Step Two: Apply

We accept applications on a rolling admission basis. If you decide that GISW is the right school for your child(ren), please apply online.

Once we receive your application together with all required documents on your child’s checklist and with the non-refundable application fee of $150 as well as all supporting documents, we will start processing your application which under normal circumstance will take 4-6 weeks.


3  Step Three: Admissions Review

Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing your application especially in the higher Grades. The final decision regarding admissions to GISW lays by our Head of School.

Most students who apply to our School Entry Level, Elementary School and Upper School program will undergo a German language or other assessment before being accepted at GISW. The Admissions Office will arrange an appointment between your family and the respective teacher(s).

4  Step Four: Receive a Decision Notification

The Admissions Office will notify you of our admissions decision through the parent portal that you signed-up with during the application process. Please check frequently. If accepted, you will receive an official acceptance email.

5  Step Five: Enroll

The Admissions Office will send you the appropriate enrollment contract. Please return the signed agreement within 10 days of receipt to reserve a guaranteed spot for your child(ren). A student will be considered fully enrolled as soon as the school receives a fully signed enrollment contract with the non-refundable $1,000 contract deposit and the required one-time, non-refundable enrollment fee of $2,500 due at signing the contract.

You will be invoiced in accordance with the enrollment agreement and your final bill will reflect all bonuses, awards and discount.


6  Step Six: Join us for our annual Summer Chats and our Welcome Night!

The GISW Admissions Office holds virtual Summer Chats for newly enrolled families during the summer months to learn more about GISW topics and ask general questions about our exciting offerings. In addition, all new families are invited to our annual Welcome Night in August a few days before the first day of school to meet teachers, staff and other members of our school community

Our Director of Enrollment Management, Ms. Jeannette Dubrey is here to help answer your questions. Please write to or schedule a virtual chat/zoom meeting with us. We look forward to welcoming you and your family at the German International School Washington D.C.!