GISW Annual Giving Campaign 2023/24

Join us in being Weltoffen!

Become part of our vibrant school mosaic with the GISW Annual Giving Campaign 2023/24! Here at the German International School Washington D.C., we are embarking on a shared mission to cultivate a Weltoffen community that thrives on diversity, embraces inclusion, and fosters a global mindset. Your participation in the 2023/24 Annual Giving Campaign is a key opportunity to make a lasting impact on the GISW experience.

At GISW, Weltoffen is more than a concept; it is a way of life. We celebrate the richness of diversity, encourage open-mindedness, and create an environment where every individual feels a deep sense of belonging.

Why Give? Much like many independent and private schools in the United States, GISW relies on the generosity of our community. Your donation to our Annual Giving Campaign ensures that we can continue to offer a unique bilingual education program at the highest academic level and opens a world of opportunities for our students.

Your Support Matters: Every member of our community – corporations, foundations, parents, board members, faculty, staff, alumni, their families, and friends – plays a vital role in the present and future success of GISW. We invite you to become part of our donor family today! Your contribution, regardless of the amount, makes a significant difference in reaching our goal and fulfilling our mission.  With strong participation, we can showcase the enthusiasm of our GISW community and demonstrate that our school is truly worthy of continued funding.

Choose where you will make an Impact

Click on the designated fund above to learn more about the transformative projects & initiatives you can support with your gift.

Current Appeal


Have you had a chance to contribute to our school’s Annual Giving Campaign? Perhaps now is the opportunity for which you have been waiting. We are pleased to announce the “GISW Board of Director’s Giving Challenge.” To help us reach the first $50,000 of our $150,000 fundraising goal by June 30th, our board members have generously pooled their personal resources to offer a matching challenge to our school community. For every $10,000 our school receives in donations, the collective board will contribute another $1,000 to the Annual Giving Campaign (up to a maximum of $5,000). Please consider making a gift now and help us to meet this challenge. With widespread participation, we will get there!

Campaign Progress


Questions? Contact Jennifer Precht, Director of Advancement (

Thanks to your support: Successful projects 2021/22

We thank you for your generous contributions to our GISW 60th Anniversary Legacy Campaign in school year 2021/22, which made the following school development projects possible:

Athletic Space

  • Scoreboard for Athletic Field (Upper School)
  • Fitness Gym Equipment for Upper School Gym (Upper School)
  • Field Day Activity Kit (Elementary School)
  • New Tricycles (Preschool)
Your Support in Action: Successful Sports Projects